Fitness is an aspiration a lot of us have but sometimes we lack the know how or don't have the right community or habits in our life to fully move towards a more active life. In our community we understand that everyone is at different levels. Our programme and products support a gradual transition towards a more active lifestyle or support your current levels of activity to help you get to the next level.
Starting out can be daunting. What we recommend is focus on the magic number of 20 minutes movement per day, whether its walking, a HIIT session, walking the dog or taking the stairs. Fitness doesn't have to be exercise, it can just be where can you make little improvements on a day to day basis. It's not about comparison, it's about being in competition with yourself.
If you're already active, the number one way to get to the next level is through your nutrition. So upping your protein & fruit and vegetable intake is absolutely essential for recovery and repair. Green smoothies are great, supplements are good but wholefood sources are generally the best. Meal planning is important. Having a regular routine to stick to based around your busy lifestyle is kep.
Kelly is a mum, school teacher and a fitness fan. Look at how amazing she looks in her 40's. She always struggled for energy, was struggling to find motivation to keep going. Since jumping on our programme she has gone from strength to strength and is now in the prime of her life. Fabulous at 40.
Before I started on these amazing products my fitness levels was bang average for me, I was tired alot, no energy and my mental focus wasn't great at all. I used to play football and was always tired and my training just wasn't going anywhere. Then I started adding our complete shakes in the morning to add extra nutrition into my diet pl
Before I started on these amazing products my fitness levels was bang average for me, I was tired alot, no energy and my mental focus wasn't great at all. I used to play football and was always tired and my training just wasn't going anywhere. Then I started adding our complete shakes in the morning to add extra nutrition into my diet plus having this helped with energy levels. I also have our fruit and veg capsules which for me was a game changer as I don't like much fruit and veg but being into fitness I know I needed to add more. Fast forward to now I'm a endurance runner & weight lifter and my results have sky rocketed and I've never felt so fit and healthy. At 42 I'm the fittest I've ever been and feel so very grateful that I started these products.
When we looked at the fitness industry, here's what we noticed: It’s very outward driven. Sure, elite athletes need to try to cut every extra millisecond off their time and body builders need to crush out more reps if they want to outperform the competition. But for the rest of us — the everyday performers — our biggest competitor is always ourselves. We want to push ourselves further than we did yesterday and be proud of who we see in the mirror today. We want to do what we love to do, better — whether that’s to beat our personal best running time, hike a higher mountain, or nail that Zumba choreography.
Our essentials capsules product combination helps you lead the active life you love, with whole-food, plant-based nutrition. This bundle supports cardiovascular health, recovery & repair and it provides a foundation of health which will take your fitness to the next level.
Fuel your body and mind with Uplift by Juice Plus+, a unique plant-based energy drink that delivers your body essential b-vitamins and naturally sourced food ingredients. B-Vitamins improve performance and recovery. Giving you that extra you need.
Juice Plus+ Perform is an all-in-one performance shake which works as hard as you do.
It's a unique blend of wholefood-based ingredients that provide essential amino acids, plant-based vitamins and minerals to support your fitness routine whether you are just starting out, a seasoned pro or wanting to get back on it after some time out.
Product overview
Simple ingredients.